I heard ______ saves gas...does it?"The myths go on and on and ON about ways to save at the pump. We investigated a few of the most common myths find out what actually works!
1....Fill up in the morning, because you get more actual gas when it is cooler earlier in the day and the molecules haven't heated up and expanded.FALSE. The gas tanks are below ground and stay cool all day. Plus, the expansion that the molecules may make in the heat is pretty minimal.
2...Changing your air filter will ensure better milage.FALSE. A dirty filter won't help, and it's a good idea to change it for the overall well-being and maintenance of your car. Unfortunately though, it won't give you better milage.
3....Premium gas will give you better milage.FALSE! It saved fractions of a penny. If your car calls for premium, you may see some increased milage, but we found, it's very minimal. If your car doesn't call for premium, you don't need it.
4...If you pump gas slower, you'll get more.FALSE! It just doesn't work that way, plain and simple.
5....The additives and pour-ins will clean your tank and improve your milage.FALSE! Wouldn't the fuel and car companies already be including this in their gasoline and automobiles if it really worked? Be careful too; these are big no-no's with some makes and models of cars.
6....If you fill up your gas tank between 3-5 p.m., the price will be lower.TRUE! Gas stations adjust their prices based on the stock market close for that day
7....Make sure your tires are properly inflated.TRUE! FINALLY, something to help! "PROPERLY" is the key word here. If your tires are underinflated, your milage will drop. If your tires are over-inflated, you risk a blow-out. So, check your owner's manual to where your tires should be inflated, and adjust accordingly.