Monday, December 29, 2008

The New Years Resolution!

Well it is that time...we say goodbye to another year and welcome a new one with a bunch of promises to ourselves that will be broken by January 2nd. So what are you going to do at midnight 2009???

-Go to the gym?
-Stop smoking?
-Stop fighting with your partner or spouse?
-Be nicer to your family?
-Stop drinking? (I have made this promise hung over a toilet..and have broken that promise over/over)

My question to you...why do you you need a date on a calendar to make a change? I think New Years resolutions are crap and nobody sticks with'em. I guarantee the gyms will be empty again by the end of January. Let us call them "life changes" and they start today...not tomorrow or next week after the playoff game. My "life change" is to be healthier...and that includes and is not limited to eating better, getting to the gym more than I do, getting regular physicals, and more.

It is my hope that you have a great 2009 and that you make it the best year of your life.

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